
Products are availabe in two packing sizes; 3.6L and 1L.

2K White

2K Special Black

2K Jet Black

2K Mixing Black

2K Lemon Yellow

2K Chrome Yellow

2K Oxide Yellow

2K Red

2K Green

2K Blue

2K Violet

2K Magenta

2K Maroon

2K Deep Maroon

2K Red Gold

2K Yellow Gold

2K Orange

2K Silver 464

2K Pearl White

2K Pearl Yellow

2K Pearl Green

2K Pearl Blue

2K Pearl Viloet

2K Pearl Red



AlQastal Industrial Area / Amman / Jordan
Tel: +962788876888

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Horizon Paints Co.

Horizon Paints is more than your usual automotive paint manufacturer, with more than 10 years in the field, we at Horizon Paints have reached the perfect level to provide our customers with the best quality of glaze and pigmentation.
